Daily Archives: June 24, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Brent Mathison

Many of you who read my blog were probably at the wedding of Brent and Kristen so I’ll spare most of the details.  Considering the stormy stretch we’ve been having, it turned out to be a great (if you like it hot and sticky) day for an outdoor wedding.  The sun was out, the birds were chirping, the Harley’s were rumbling (through the park) 🙂  The only real scary moment that I remember was when it was 5 minutes until the wedding and the Pastor hadn’t shown up to the park yet.  Luckily, just as we were trying to find his number, he showed up and the ceremony started at about 2:05.

Here are a few candids taken throughout the day, mostly by Maggie since I was off being the Best Man (click thumbnail for larger picture):

Here’s a full album of pics from the wedding